Narnia the Orca Captured in Russia

So I wanted to give you guys the latest update on that young orca I mentioned in my last post that was captured recently in Russia. Here is what we know so far in point form to make it easier to digest and share with others.
It looks like she's asking for help... It breaks my heart to think of the life humans have chosen for her. I can't believe this happened. Have the humans learned nothing!?
  • This young female orca has been given the name Narnia.
  • She is approximately 6 years old judging by her size.
  • She was captured by Sochi Dolphinarium in the Western Okhotsk Sea near Reineke Island.
  • Narnia was one of two orcas captured at the time. The other one has since passed away.
  • She has been sold to an aquarium in Russia that will be opening this year.
And this is the aquarium to which she will be moved. What a weird looking tank... Look how tiny it is! What a horrible looking place. A lot of people are feeling like she may not live long enough to see this new "home."

Another example of the superior intelligence of humans. WAY TO GO.

So what can we do!?

OK! So you want to know what you can do to help? Well here it comes!
1. Put pressure on the Russian government/fisheries to put an end to the capture of cetaceans!
Sending letters, emails and faxes is a great way to help! Tell your friends and family to do the same! Here is a link with loads of information as well as sample letters in English and Russian and where to send them:

2. As always, sign petitions!!! 
Here is the only one I have seen so far! If you have any more for me to add to the list, please let me know ASAP so I can add it!

3. Share the information!
If you are on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, YouTube or any other social media site, then you have a perfect opportunity to take advantage of it! Share posts and photos! Link people back to this site or to any of the information I have posted! Urge people to open their minds to the reality that what these people are doing is wrong! Please! All it takes is the click of one share button to start a chain reaction that bring about real change!

If you have anything to share or anything you would like to see me add in the information, please let me know and I will check it out!

Thank-you for taking the time to read this!
Courtney Mermaid